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Free shipping on all orders over ₹500

Customer Help

Our happiness team is always here to assist.

Common purchase queries answered

Orders and Shipping

Usually, It takes 5-7 days for your order to arrive.

You have click on my account page. Then login or register as a new account.

You can do that by going in “My Account” page and locating addresses in the page.

In the menu section, locate track order and type your order id or tracking id.

Credit information is stored upon your concern. If you choose to store you credit card info, then it will be saved by our payement gateway provider. 

You will be charged with GST on all orders.

We currently ship in India. 

Yes, all your items will be shipped in parcel.

If you need to swap an item

Returns and Exchanges

You can easily request for return by filling this form

If you have received a damage product or a wrong product then you can request a call back from our team by filling this form. All return queries are valid for 7 days from the purchase.  

After getting the approval for return you need to mail your product at the following address:

Beep Your Style

UG-137, Massimo Comples, Althan Canal Road, Bhimrad, 

Surat, Gujarat – 395017

+91 9106785898

You can easily get customer support by clicking on the chat button located at the right side botton of the screen. Or you can request a call back from the product page also located at the same side as the chat button.

You can change your shipping address from your “My Account” Page. In case of placing the order on an incorrect address please get in touch with our customer support by clicking this link.

Yes you can, you’ll have to get in touch with our customer support by clicking this link.

Yes you can. We accept back orders. You can place the order for products that are eligible for back order or pre-order. Once we restock the product we will ship it to you.

Free shipping

On all orders above ₹500

Easy 7 days returns

7 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa / Upi